Spring Coed Slopitch League - Monday Teams
March is packed with action at Softball City! Get ready for an exciting month of slo-pitch:
Saint Patrick’s Tournament | March 14-16
Spring League Opener Tournament | March 21-23
Slo-Pitch Leagues Begin | Week of March 23
Gather your team and hit the field! Sign up now at SoftballCity.bc.ca
The following teams are officially participating in the Spring Coed Slopitch League - Monday.
Please note some teams may not be present yet. Click on the team to view more details.
Click on the team's name, and follow the instructions under Notifications to receive notifications.
Monday League - Coed - Spring
All event related questions should be directed to Jenn Morris at jenn@softballcity.bc.ca or call 604-531-3220.