TC International Challenge Schedule
International Challenge Event Update: Just a reminder there is NO alcohol allowed at the fields, you will be asked to leave if you are caught with alcohol.
Thank you for your corporation.
International Challenge Weather Update: 9:20pm
Please start to warm up, game times will resume at 9:45pm.
Thank you for your patience.
International Challenge: Weather Update
We are going to wait until this lightning passes to see we will update you in 9:30pm.
International Challenge - Weather Update: 8:30pm
We are still in a weather delay. We are going to wait until this rain passes. We will update you again in 40 minutes.
Thank you for your patience.
International Challenge 8:00pm Lightning Delay
We are currently in a lightning delay, We will wait to see what the weather pattern does before we make a decision. Please do not leave the parking lot. Teams can stay in the dugout or in their cars. It is recommended to stay in the cars.
Thank you for you patience
10:15am TCIC Event Update
Event Reminder, please respect and follow the parking rules when entering and exiting the lots. We have the West, East and Overflow parking with shuttle runs. Cars who are parked on the grass or illegal are at risk of a ticket as the police have been notified about ilegal parking.
Thank you for your corporation.
All event related questions should be directed to Sarah Pow at