Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.
The following venues are being used for this event.
Kit Carson Sports Complex
Kit Carson Sports Complex (KIT)
3333 Bear Valley Parkway South
Escondido, CA, 92025
2 (2),
3 (3),
4 (4),
5 (5),
Root (Root),
Powell (Powel),
Trussel (Truss),
Finney (Finn)
Poway Sportsplex USA
Poway Sportsplex USA (POWAY)
12349 McIvers Court
Poway, CA, 92064
Poway Sungenia (Sun),
Poway Pedder (Pedd),
Poway Bill Howe (Howe)
All event related questions should be directed to Olivia Damge at olivia@triplecrownsports.com or call 970-672-0534.