Canadian Amateur Sport Society presents

Spring Slopitch League - Thursday

March 21 - June 20, 2024
Surrey, British Columbia
Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.


$300 DEPOSIT MUST BE PAID UPON REGISTRATION 1. Playoffs will start on your first respective night after regular league games are completed. If for any reason playoffs cannot be finished on your league night, you will have to finish on another night or weekend. 2. A mandatory Coaches Meeting will be held Wednesday March 13th at 7pm at Softball City (in restaurant). We ask that one team representative be present at the meeting. PLEASE NOTE: All Softball City Slo-pitch Leagues are SPN sanctioned. SPN Team Insurance and SPN online registration of ALL team members is mandatory to participate. Forfeits will not be rescheduled or paid out. If a team forfeits more than 2 games per season, they will have to reapply for league.. Outside liquor, outside food, marijuana and off leash dogs are prohibited in the park. Smoking & vaping is only allowed in specified areas. E-TRANSFER TO ADMIN@SOFTBALLCITY.BC.CA

  • League
  • All teams
  • Adult: Men & Women
  • Ability: Elite/Competitive/Developmental
  • $1,790.00 entry fee


Softball City Map
Softball City
2201 148 Street
Surrey, BC, V4A 9P5



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General Information

1. Playoffs will start on your first respective night after regular league games are completed. If for any reason playoffs cannot be finished on your league night, you will have to finish on another night or weekend.
2. A mandatory Coaches Meeting will be held Wednesday March 13th at 7pm at Softball City (in restaurant). We ask that one team representative be present at the meeting. 
PLEASE NOTE: All Softball City Slo-pitch Leagues are SPN sanctioned. SPN Team Insurance and SPN online registration of ALL team members is mandatory to participate. Forfeits will not be rescheduled or paid out. If a team forfeits more than 2 games per season, they will have to reapply for league..
Outside liquor, outside food, marijuana and off leash dogs are prohibited in the park. Smoking & vaping is only allowed in specified areas. E-TRANSFER TO ADMIN@SOFTBALLCITY.BC.CA

All event related questions should be directed to Jenn Morris at