Canadian Amateur Sport Society presents

Spring Slopitch League - Tuesday Divisions

March 19 - June 18, 2024
Surrey, British Columbia
Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.


Due to staffing issues FOOD SERVICE will end at 8:30pm tonight. Liquor will be available until close (11:30pm) Sorry for the inconvenience.

4/30/2024 4:36 PM

Spring Slopitch League - Tuesday offers the following divisions. Any documents can be viewed, printed or downloaded.

Tuesday League - Coed - Spring


3/4/2024 8:45 PM

Overall Standings

2/22/2024 5:03 PM


7/5/2024 4:28 PM

Tuesday Spring League Playoff Schedule Bracket

7/3/2024 2:53 PM

All event related questions should be directed to Jenn Morris at