Triple Crown Sports presents

TCS East Coast Summer Nationals 16&18U Teams

July 26-30, 2023
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina


Fastpitch Myrtle Beach Ned Donkle Weather Update 2:20pm

Ned Donkle: Games are rescheduled please check your app. Games will resume play where they were stopped. All new games will be 1hr 15mins finish inning.

18 & Under Bracket H will be reschedule for Grand Park. Please check your schedule shortly.

7/29/2023 2:40 PM

Fastpitch Myrtle Beach- Weather Update 1:45pm

Grand Park Fields 4 - 9:Games will resume play at 2:15pm. The following games will begin play once the game before finishes. All games moving forward will be 1hr 15mins finish the inning.

Grand Park Fields 10 - 11: We are working on your schedule now. We will move you to the turf fields game times will be update on your schedul here shortly.

Thank you for your patience.

7/29/2023 1:51 PM

Fastpitch Myrtle Beach Weather Update 1:30pm

Grand Park Fields 1 - 3:Games will resume play at 2:00pm. Teams must be ready to play once the game before ends. The original 11:30am Scheduled games will now be 1hr 15 mins finish the inning.

Thank you for your patience.

7/29/2023 1:35 PM

Fastpitch Myrtle Beach: North Myrtle and Central Park update.

North Myrtle & Central Park: All teams please check your schedule games times have been adjusted. Game TIMES will be 1hr 15mins finish the inning. Teams MUST be ready to play once the game before has completed their game.

Thank you for your patience.

7/29/2023 1:28 PM

Fastpitch Myrtle Beach: Weather Update: 1:15pm

Ned Donkle: After the most recent storm. We are assessing the field conditions with the field crew now. We will update you within the hour.

Thank you for your patience.

7/29/2023 1:17 PM

Fastpitch Myrtle Beach: Weather Update: 1:00pm

Grand Park: We are now under a lightning and rain delay again. We will update you once the storm clears for all fields.

Thank you for your patience.

7/29/2023 1:01 PM

Fastpitch Myrtle Beach Summer Nationals - Weather Update 12:05pm

Ned Donkle: Teams may leave, we will update you by 1:15pm after we assess the fields. Please monitor the Triple Crown app.

Thank you for your patience.

7/29/2023 12:19 PM

Fastpitch Myrtle Beach Summer Nationals - Weather Update 12:05pm

Grand Park Fields 1 - 3. Games will resume at 12:45pm. The 9:45am game will resume play from when it was stopped.

Grand Park Fields 4 - 11. We are monitoring the radar and will update you by 1:15pm. Teams playing on these fields you can grab your stuff but please leave the complex after and DO NOT go on the field.

Thank you for your patience.

7/29/2023 12:15 PM

Fastpitch Myrtle Beach Weather Update 11:35am

North Myrtle Beach Sports & Central Park: Both Facilities are under a lightning and weather delay. Please go to your cars, but stay in the parking lot. We will update you when the weather clears.

Grand Park & Ned Donkle: Both Facilities are still under a lightning and weather delay. Please go to your cars, but stay in the parking lot. We will update you when the weather clears.

Thank you for your patience.

7/29/2023 11:41 AM

Fastpitch Myrtle Beach Weather Update 11:05am

Grand Park and Ned Donkle: Both Facilities are under a lightning and weather delay. Please go to your cars, but stay in the parking lot. We will update you when the weather clears.

Thank you for your patience.

7/29/2023 11:10 AM

Fastpitch Myrtle Beach Weather Update Grand Park 11:00am

Grand Park is currently in a weather and lightning delay. Please Go to your car and wait for an update. DO NOT leave the park. We will update you when the weather clears.

Thank you for you patience

7/29/2023 11:02 AM

16u and 18u - Fastpitch Myrtle Beach Summer Nationals.

Please ALL teams CHECK your schedule we have had teams drop and have made changes. Thank you for your patience.

7/21/2023 5:47 PM

Fastpitch Myrtle Beach - Event Update

Teams please check your schedule on the app.

Thank you for your patience.

7/29/2023 3:26 PM

The following teams are officially participating in the TCS East Coast Summer Nationals 16&18U.
Please note some teams may not be present yet. Click on the team to view more details.

16U Entry Fee

18U Entry Fee

All event related questions should be directed to Carrie Rivera at