Saginaw Sugar Beets presents

Beets' April Spring Fling Average Joes 14u

April 27-28, 2024
Saginaw, Michigan
Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.


All remaining games scheduled at Liberty Park diamonds #7 and #8 are now canceled.

I will call each coach in the 10u division regarding placement.

4/28/2024 4:04 PM

All remaining games scheduled at Wickes Park diamonds #1 and #2 on McCarty Rd have been canceled for the day.

4/28/2024 10:14 AM

All remaining games scheduled at Liberty Park diamond #6 have been canceled for the remainder of the day.

4/28/2024 10:06 AM

All games scheduled to be played at Wickes Park on McCarty Rd, Diamond #3 and Diamond #4 have been canceled for the day.

4/28/2024 9:21 AM

All games scheduled at Wickes Park Hispital Rd diamonds #5 and #6 are canceled for the day. Field conditions are unplayable.

4/28/2024 8:36 AM

Wickes McCarty and Wickes Hospital are currently in a rain delay. We will update when conditions change.

4/28/2024 8:16 AM

All sites are currently playing and all sites currently have rain. We'll update as needed.

4/28/2024 8:06 AM

It appears we could begin to see rain around 4am and we will play as long as the fields can hold the water.

The first message will likely go out around 6am and if the forecast remains the same, we will not delay as that does not appear to be a benefit to us with the possibility of up to 8 straight hours of rain.

In the event we do not complete all of the games in your age bracket, 1st and 2nd place would be decided by the tie-breaker rules. The tie-breaker rules are located in the documents section. Any game halted by rain would have to have 4 complete innings to count toward the standings that would determine a champion. (3 1/2 if the home team is ahead).

See you tomorrow!!

4/27/2024 10:13 PM

For those that were not able to pick your shirts up today. They will be at the following locations tomorrow:

8u - T-shirts will be at Wickes McCarty
9u - T-shirts will be at Olson Park
10 - T-shirts will be at Liberty Park
11u - T-shirts will be at Wickes McCarty
12u - T-shirts will be at Wickes McCarty
13u - T-shirts will be at Wickes McCarty
14u - T-shirts will be at Wickes McCarty

4/27/2024 10:02 PM

Currently no delays, however, the radar is showing one more thing of rain coming before 8am. Crews are ready to work if we get enough rain at that point.

Please designate one person to report scores for your team. Either send a screenshot of your final gamechanger or both teams, game time, and both teams runs scored. Text to 989 714 6572

T-shirt pickup is pushed back to 5pm-9pm and is still at Liberty Park.

4/27/2024 6:29 AM

Please make sure your families are following your team on the Exposure Events app. There will be some rain overnight and into the morning and we will send messages as soon as we have information to share, which could be as early as 5am Saturday.

4/26/2024 9:07 AM

Tournament t-shirts will be located at Liberty Park and available for pick up anytime Saturday. Please designate one person from your team to pick up all of your t-shirts.

10am-6pm for pick up

Liberty Park (behind Atkins Middle School)
3670 Southfield Dr
Saginaw, MI 48601

4/26/2024 9:04 AM

8u Machine Speed is 35mph

4/22/2024 8:48 AM

Last call to order a tournament t-shirt

Click to order

4/5/2024 12:17 PM

Lady Spartans 9u


Schedule Loading...

All event related questions should be directed to Ryan Thompson at or call 9897149484.