Triple Crown Sports presents

Colorado 4th of July - 12u Open Division

June 26 - July 2, 2023
Colorado, Colorado
Just a heads-up! The banner below is an ad.


Weather Update: June 30, 2023 - 3:00pm

16 & 18u Open Games at Long Lake are cancelled for the day due to the weather and fields being unplayable. We will update the schedule by 8:00pm.

Thank you for your patience.

6/30/2023 2:54 PM

June 30 9:25pm - The 12u Gold Bracket will be played in its entirety including the losers bracket. The schedule posted for the 12u Gold Bracket is acurate.

6/30/2023 9:25 PM

Weather Update: June 30th 8:30pm

ALL Brackets have been posted. Due to the weather, we have had to reduce the bracket games. Winner bracket games within the double elimination brackets have been seeded into Gold, Silver, Bronze Championship single Brackets respectively of your pool seeding. Loser bracket games in the previous double elimination games have been rescheduled to consultation single games. PLEASE CHECK YOUR SCHEDULE.

Thank you for your patience as we navigate through the weather.

6/30/2023 8:31 PM

Goose Gossage : Unplayable for the rest of the night due to the Storm that just rolled in. We are talking to faculties and assessing tomorrows schedule. We will update you in two hours.

Thank you!

6/30/2023 6:32 PM

12U Silver Bracket Games that were scheduled at Leon Young tonight are not going to be played today. We are working on a full bracket release going into tomorrow.

Thank you for your patience.

6/30/2023 4:53 PM

The Leon Young games that were in mid progress at 11:30 are being resumed at Cottonwood. Please check your app and schedule. We are starting those at 4pm.

Thank you for your patience. We are working on the the rest of the reschedule now.

6/30/2023 3:07 PM

4th Of July Update : Leon Young is unplayable for the night due to the weather we are currently on working on a reschedule for games. We will update you in an hour. Teams may have games tonight.

6/30/2023 2:23 PM

CO4th July Weather Update 12u: June 30, 1:00pm

Leon Young: Currently in a lightning and rain delay. We will update you once the weather clears. Please note: Due to construction in the parking lot it is highlight recommended to move in your car. Parking is at your own risk during weather.

Skyview: Curently in a weather delay.

Thank you for your patience. We will update you once the weather passes.

6/30/2023 1:08 PM


  • Tournament
  • All teams
  • Girls: 12U
  • entry fee
  • Exposure Certified


Colorado, CO


Alec Martinez
(970) 672-0516


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All event related questions should be directed to Alec Martinez at or call (970) 672-0516.